President of the foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Rabat

Le 14 février 2020, le Conseil d’Administration de la Fondation pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel de Rabat, présidé par Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Lalla Hasnaa, arrêtait un plan d’action très riche offrant aux acteurs du patrimoine culturel – institutionnels, société civile et experts – de multiples opportunités d’échanger les visions et de partager les savoirs. La volonté première de la Fondation étant de conjuguer la préservation du patrimoine culturel non au passé, mais au futur et toujours au pluriel.



The missions of the Foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Rabat

The Foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Rabat acts as a real catalyst vis-à-vis the competent authorities (central administration, local and decentralized authorities, international organizations and NGOs) in matters of safeguarding and enhancing Rabat’s cultural heritage, while promoting participatory approaches that take care to integrate representatives of civil society and international and national experts in the various fields of heritage preservation.

The Foundation is an Institution dedicated to monitoring and promoting the synergy of actors concerned with safeguarding heritage, raising awareness, promoting and evaluating the state of heritage conservation. It works to perpetuate and transmit the historical, architectural, artistic, landscape, material and immaterial values inherent in the cultural heritage of Rabat.

To this end, the Foundation’s mission is to:

And in general, to undertake any action and any activity likely to allow directly or indirectly the realization of the social object described above.