President of the foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Rabat

Le 14 février 2020, le Conseil d’Administration de la Fondation pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel de Rabat, présidé par Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Lalla Hasnaa, arrêtait un plan d’action très riche offrant aux acteurs du patrimoine culturel – institutionnels, société civile et experts – de multiples opportunités d’échanger les visions et de partager les savoirs. La volonté première de la Fondation étant de conjuguer la préservation du patrimoine culturel non au passé, mais au futur et toujours au pluriel.

Educational supervision by the committee.. Visit to secondary schools in Taroudant

The monitoring committee for the “I discover my Heritage – Taroudant” program visited the secondary schools taking part in the program between 17 and 19 April 2024.
The committee’s visit marked an important step in supporting teachers and pupils to ensure the smooth implementation of the program aimed at facilitating access to local cultural heritage.
The committee members attended various classroom activities, carefully observing the teaching methods used and the participation of the students. The visit was an opportunity to support the teachers in their efforts and to provide practical advice on how to further improve the integration of cultural heritage into lessons.

In addition, the committee took time to look at the student’s work, highlighting the most innovative projects and encouraging them to continue their creative explorations. This direct interaction strengthened the commitment of both teachers and students, while demonstrating the importance of community involvement in promoting cultural heritage.


