President of the foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Rabat

Le 14 février 2020, le Conseil d’Administration de la Fondation pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel de Rabat, présidé par Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Lalla Hasnaa, arrêtait un plan d’action très riche offrant aux acteurs du patrimoine culturel – institutionnels, société civile et experts – de multiples opportunités d’échanger les visions et de partager les savoirs. La volonté première de la Fondation étant de conjuguer la préservation du patrimoine culturel non au passé, mais au futur et toujours au pluriel.

Intensive workshops to guide student contributions to the magazine!

On Friday 7 April 2024, the Foundation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage of Rabatand its partners organised a series of educational workshops for 70 schoolchildren from Rabat, Salé and Témara who had been shortlisted at regional level.

Supervised by experts and professionals in each of these forms, schoolchildren and their teachers benefit from high-quality support and advice.

The committee closely supervises the process of producing the artistic and literary productions of the schoolchildren, after a phase of individual work in their schools with their teachers, who have also benefited from a capacity-building workshop in these areas.

The educational workshops set up by the Foundation are designed to provide students with guidance and training in a range of genres, including literature, journalism and art.

These workshops aim to cultivate their creativity, critical thinking and communication skills.

By exploring these different fields, young people acquire literary writing techniques, learn the basics of journalism and develop their artistic sense.

The main aim is to encourage them to make a significant contribution to the educational program magazine.

So they can share their stories, articles and artwork with the community, while developing their self-confidence and talents.

This workshop also helps to their commitment to and interest in the program, by offering them a platform to express their creations.


